Wimbish Bus Survey

an hourly service for Carver Barracks and Tye Green?

Essex County Council has said they will consider a change in the timetable of routes 313 and 314 so that both routes go to Tye Green and Carver Barracks. This would give one bus per hour in each direction for all the Wimbish bus stops (Howlett End and Brooklands already have hourly buses).

Essex County Council have asked for a survey of current bus usage and of whether people might increase their usage if buses were more frequent. Please take a couple of minutes to complete this survey and help get an improved bus service for our village.

Like all Essex County Council subsidised bus services, our bus routes risk being withdrawn if the subsidy per passenger is too high. Getting, and using, a better service will help increase the number of passengers and safeguard our bus service.

David Corke – Wimbish public transport representative


Click here to complete the survey

(you may be asked to confirm that you want to go to the survey form)

Click here for the full timetable of routes 313 & 314 (Saffron Walden - Dunmow)

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